vrijdag 2 december 2011

Fun conferences I've not attended

I'd thought @adzebill was trolling us when he started livetweeting this conference. You can see how I was confused by tweets like:
Knives out already: speaker upbraided for not "addressing the sociology of the paua". #NZFoodHist
The Symons Touchstone Score for Biscuit/Cake Iconism peaks in the 1920s. #NZFoodHist
But here are some of the conference papers:
Aaliyeh Naqvi-Sherazee – “Food, identity and place-making: Indian settlers in 1920s New Zealand”

Donna Brien – “‘An Affaire de Stomach’: Australian and New Zealand 1920s Food Writing”

Duncan Galletly – “Iconism in cakes and biscuits”

Helen Leach – “Home Science and the arrival of the ‘modern kitchen’ in 1920s New Zealand”

Janet Lymburn & Diane Langman – “Driving Change: Imaginative Thinkers”

Janet Mitchell – “Mélanie S. Primmer, B.A. and the Up-to-date-Housewife”

Jeanette Fry – “The influence of generic cookbooks and pamphlets over the past 90 years and the role of advertising in reducing the cost of daily living; Or, how mustard saves you money on every meal.”

John Webster – "Trying to find Miss Fidler"

Nancy Pollock – “Chinese contributions to New Zealand gastronomy”

Nicola Saker – “By their menus ye shall know them: Or, if you are what you eat, what you eat is who you are”

Tui Flower – “First-hand experience of kitchens”
It all sounds ridiculous fun; I envy @adzebill's attendance.

Meanwhile, @BruceSchneier points to a U Minnesota conference on Cephalopods and Art:
Why do we make images, where do they come from and what is their primary function? Human image production and image distribution systems have made rapid growth to the level of unimaginable saturation in urban contemporary life through design, architecture, city planning, Internet, fine arts, and other media. The Origin of Image Making: Behavioral Ecology of Cephalopods and Art brings together scientific, humanistic and artistic attempts to investigate these ever critical existential questions by examining the cognitive and interpretive systems of the adoptive coloration of cuttlefish as a model to code and to re-map visual information such as paintings, photographs and video.

This conference’s primary goal is to create a discussion platform among scholars, experts, and students from different academic and non-academic fields. During the two-day conference, we will focus on cuttlefish research including neuroscience, comparative psychology, animal behaviorology, and art as conceptual, practical and/or tangible foundations to understanding our own visual communication system.
I wonder if male cuttlefish better able to make artistic displays in their patterning enjoy more reproductive opportunities. Does the Art Instinct extend to cuttlefish?

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