zaterdag 14 mei 2011


Where we're leaving.
(full series here, HT: Peter Cresswell)

Where we're going.

We fly out to Winnipeg today; we'll spend a week there before driving down to DC via Pittsburgh. Looking forward to seeing family and friends again and popping in on coauthors along the road.

But we weren't banking on Manitoba being in flood. At least my folks' place near Starbuck doesn't yet seem affected.

Manitoba, Pittsburgh or DC folks interested in beers can find me on email or @EricCrampton.

I am really looking forward to having nights interrupted only by an angry one year old (Bryan: folks' mileage may vary on the whole Ferber thing) rather than that plus aftershocks.

We're back in Christchurch end June and trust our housesitter won't throw too many wild blogger bashes while we're away.

Blogging will be light from the road; I will be looking out for the budget though.

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